Bhairava Mahakaala Wooden Mask Metal Plated

Bhairava Mahakaala Wooden Mask Metal Plated

Material: Wood, Metal
Measurement: 12 x 8 x 3
Weight : 2 Kg 500 gm
Brand: The Swayambhu
Code: P-0117

Metal Plated wooden Bhairava Mask is Handmade by local artisan in Kathmandu Nepal. Wood is carved into bhairava head form and metal is skilfully plated on the outer layer of the mask itseld. Bahirava is celebrated as a supereme entity in Tantric culture of Nepal.

Bhairava is also known as Mahakaala which means the Great Time or tTime Himself. the fierceful manifestation of God Shiva and The word Bhairava itself means the Frightening Manifestation. According to the story, When Brahma got ego in himself that he is the supreme one after creating all this universe. Shiva was not pleased by this ego of Brahma, so he manifested himself into this scariest creature and chopped off one of the head of brahma (Sybolical meaning: to decapitate Ego).

Mantra- “Om aim hraam kleem shri batukbhairavaya”