Tat Tvam Asi "Thou Art That"  Singing Bowl Therapy Set

Tat Tvam Asi "Thou Art That" Singing Bowl Therapy Set

USD 380

Material: Bell Bronze
Measurement: 9 x 4.25
Weight : 3 Kg 860 gm
Brand: The Swayambhu
Code: TTA9

This is our latest customized handmade collection to honor those mantras which captures and delivers the true essense of eastern spitiruality. 

Tat tvam Asi literal meaning is "Thou Art That". This has been interpretated in many ways. Since this comes from Advaita Tradition, one needs to understand what Advaita itself to understand the power of this bowl. Advaita means Non-Dual which explains that you are not seperate from the whole cosmos and the cosmos that you are experiencing is itself a whole cosmos but the limitation of our mind limits our understanding and doesnot allow us to capture the wholeness of the whole. once one decustruct every construct it does Darshan / sees the absolute reality which is Brahman and thus realizes Brahman itself is the one that is seeing the brahman.

Chanting this Mantra and mixing it with the vibration of the sound bowl helps one to go beyond our regular perception of reality and provides glimpses of the Bhraman itself. And This bowl has AUM symbol to represent the absolute Bhraman.

This bowls is focused on healing, spiritual upliftment and thus enlightenment. 

Complete Set for Therapy includes Mallet, Striker, Cusion and a Bowl.

This is one of our favourite  bowl.


Tat Tvam Asi with AUM (a universal sound) 

Tat Tvam Asi Mantra in Sanskrit (an Ancient Language still spoken and written)

GuruKula ( Authenicity Mark)


Diameter : 9 inches

Depth: 4.25 inches

Bowl Weight : 3 pounds 14 ounces (1.75 kg)

Total set Weight: 4 pounds 11 ounces (2.11 kg)