ViraBhadra Natural Rudraksha Seed Prayer Mala Bead

ViraBhadra Natural Rudraksha Seed Prayer Mala Bead

USD 39.99

Material: Rudraksha Seed
Measurement: 18 inches
Weight : 330 gm
Brand: The Swayambhu
Code: ViraBahdraRudrakshaMala

Presenting the ViraBhadra Natural Rudraksha Seed Prayer Mala Bead – a masterpiece of devotion and power, meticulously handpicked and lovingly handcrafted in the vibrant heart of Kathmandu, Nepal. With a sacred count of 54 beads, this mala resonates with the potent energy of ViraBhadra, bringing forth an essence that intertwines ancient traditions and spiritual empowerment.

The story of ViraBhadra, an awe-inspiring warrior born from the locks of Lord Shiva, echoes through time and space. Tasked with a mission of both destruction and divine alignment, ViraBhadra's energy encapsulates raw strength, fierce protection, and unyielding devotion to the cosmic order. With each bead in the ViraBhadra Natural Rudraksha Seed Prayer Mala, you hold a tangible connection to this dynamic force, invoking its presence to guide and shield you on your spiritual journey.

Handpicked with care and fashioned by skilled artisans, every bead on this mala carries a unique resonance, contributing to a harmonious synergy when used for prayer and meditation. This mala serves as a portal to channel the formidable energy of ViraBhadra, empowering you with unwavering courage, unshakable resolve, and a profound connection to the divine will.

Rudraksha beads, revered in Hinduism and Buddhism, hold a special place of significance, particularly within the realms of Shaivism and Shaktism. These sacred seeds are believed to have originated from Lord Shiva's tears, symbolizing the harmonious union of the spiritual and material realms. Within Shaivism, Rudraksha beads are cherished as a source of divine connection, fostering spiritual growth, protection, and a direct link to the essence of Lord Shiva himself. In Shaktism, these beads are seen as conduits of divine feminine energy, carrying the blessings of Goddess Shakti and invoking her transformative power.

As you hold the ViraBhadra Natural Rudraksha Seed Prayer Mala Bead, you embrace the presence of ViraBhadra and the profound significance of these sacred beads. Allow their energy to guide you through the intricate dance of existence, infusing your practice with courage, protection, and unwavering devotion. With each bead, you draw closer to the essence of ViraBhadra's strength, while also honoring the rich tapestry of Shaivism, Shaktism, and the timeless wisdom they embody.


Weight: 150-160 grams

Mala Length: 18 inches (hanging)

Bead size: 18mm-20 mm