Five Dhyani Buddha Tibetan Tantric Vajra Bell 7 inches - Satva

Five Dhyani Buddha Tibetan Tantric Vajra Bell 7 inches - Satva

USD 70

Material: Bell Bronze
Measurement: 7 inches Height and 3.75 Inches Diameter
Weight : 950 gm
Brand: The Swayambhu
Code: Bell3.75budhSat

Enhance your meditation practice with the luminous Five Dhyani Buddha Tibetan Tantric Vajra Bell - Satva, meticulously handcrafted in the spiritual heart of Kathmandu, Nepal. This exquisite bell, standing at 7 inches tall with a 3.75-inch diameter and weighing 400 grams, shines brilliantly, earning its name "Satva."

Meaning of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas:

The 5 Dhyani Buddhas, also known as the Five Wisdom Buddhas, represent various facets of enlightened consciousness. Each Buddha embodies a different wisdom, transforming specific delusions into enlightened virtues:

  1. Vairocana: Represents the wisdom of the all-encompassing Dharmakaya, transforming ignorance into the wisdom of reality.
  2. Akshobhya: Embodies mirror-like wisdom, transforming anger into clarity and truth.
  3. Ratnasambhava: Symbolizes the wisdom of equality, transforming pride into the wisdom of sameness.
  4. Amitabha: Represents discriminating wisdom, transforming desire into discernment and pure perception.
  5. Amoghasiddhi: Embodies all-accomplishing wisdom, transforming jealousy into the wisdom of perfect activity.

Together, these Buddhas symbolize the complete transformation of human weaknesses into enlightened virtues.

Meaning of Satva:

"Satva" in Sanskrit means purity, harmony, and balance. It is one of the three gunas (qualities) in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, representing the essence of purity and goodness. This bell's radiant shine reflects its Satva nature, symbolizing the pure and harmonious vibrations it brings into your meditation practice.

Using the Bell for Meditation:

The Tibetan Tantric Vajra Bell - Satva is an essential tool for enhancing meditation and spiritual practices. Here's how you can incorporate it into your routine:

  1. Starting Meditation: Gently strike the bell to signal the beginning of your meditation session. The clear, resonant sound helps clear the mind and create a serene environment.
  2. Focus and Mindfulness: Use the bell's sound as a point of focus during meditation. The sustained tone aids in maintaining mindfulness and deepening concentration.
  3. Chanting and Mantras: Accompany your chanting or recitation of mantras with the bell to enhance the vibrational energy and spiritual ambiance.
  4. Ending Meditation: Conclude your meditation with a final strike of the bell, bringing your practice to a peaceful close.

Embrace the profound symbolism and practical benefits of the Five Dhyani Buddha Tibetan Tantric Vajra Bell - Satva. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to meditation, this bell will support and elevate your spiritual journey with its pure, harmonious vibrations.


Origin: Handcrafted in Kathmandu, Nepal

Dimensions: Height - 7 inches, Diameter - 3.75 inches, Weight - 400 grams